Well, I am totally slacking on my posts. In my defense, this has been an incredibly trying week. Adam left for
TDY 3:30 Monday morning. The next day, Sue and I and the boys had TONS of fun swimming at her hotel and hanging out all day - I am so lucky to have such a great MIL! But she and the lady she had driven down with left Tuesday morning, and that's when the fun began.....
Tuesday I decided to go to Sam's Club and stock up on some basics so I wouldn't have to drag both kids to the store as often. Cereal, pasta, flour, diapers, yogurt, ground beef.....etc, etc. That was all fine and dandy. On the way home I remembered I had stuff to drop off at Airman's Attic, so I stopped by there also. In the parking lot, I realized that my driver's side window, which was all the way down because of the beautiful sunny weather, was now STUCK all the way down, and there was a thunderstorm on its' way! I hurried into AA and got my stuff done, came out, and it had rained, hard. So, I figured, "I'm a trooper, no big deal" and set my jacket on the seat and drove home. I left the flour in the car because I was tired and frankly, didn't want to deal with it. By now, it was almost time to pick Anthony up from school, so we went inside for a potty break and got back in the car. I tried my window again, and lo and behold, got it to work a tiny bit, then pulled it up the rest of the way, where it now stays. Picked up Anthony from school, then needed to unload the flour and get it in the house. As soon as we pulled in the driveway, the neighbor kids wanted to come over and play. I started unloading the non refrigerated stuff, and the flour was last.....as I picked it up, the bag got caught on a metal piece sticking out of the stroller, and.....yup, you guessed it, half a 25 pound bag of flour, on the garage floor and in the back of my van. Then the kids and their friends started running around in it, creating a tornado/whirlwind of flour, spreading it all over the house, the garage, and the driveway. I sent their friends home and went inside and wanted to scream.
So that was Tuesday. On to Thursday.....
The kids were stir crazy in the afternoon, so I decided to let them run around outside while I sat on the back porch and tried to read. The dog kept trying to get out, so I closed the inside door so he couldn't push the outside door open. If only I had known
Ayden had been playing with the push lock on the inside door earlier........I tried to open the door a few minutes later, only to find it locked. Yup. The front door was locked with the deadbolt, because I lock it as soon as I walk inside. The door from the garage to the house was locked because I was freaked out about someone being able to go in my van and use the garage door opener, then get into the house that way. And of course, safety-conscious me had gone around to all the windows the first night Adam was gone and made sure they were locked. So we were pretty much screwed. The only good thing was that I had my cell phone in my pocket. Oh, and I should mention, there was a thunderstorm coming, we were ALL barefoot, and Anthony was in his underwear-lovely!
I called Security Forces and explained what happened. The guy was probably thinking I was a moron...he asked me if I had my car keys so I could drive to meet someone at the housing office to get a spare key. No, I said, they were locked inside with my house key. How did you lock yourself out again, he asks? So I explained to him the craftiness of my two year old....I don't think he got it. But a few minutes later, while I was sitting in the rocker in the garage balling my eyes out, and the kids were strapped in their car seats in the van because they kept running down the street and I got tired of chasing them, a VERY nice, polite housing maintenance guy pulled up and introduced himself: Hi, I'm so and so (I wasn't listening to a word he said) from housing maintenance.....
YAY! He saved the day. He was so nice, and he didn't even say anything about me crying, which was a GOOD THING, because I probably would have cried harder. He just said, it's alright, it happens all the time. So it was all over.
I know there was more stuff that happened this week, but I either can't remember, or I'm purposefully blocking it all out,
lol. Those are just some of the things that really stuck out. Yesterday I ended up having BOTH kids at the CDC for a few hours, luckily the 2 year old class had a spot because somebody had cancelled, and I was RIGHT on top of that one! It was a welcome break, I got some housework done, and enjoyed a quiet house for a few hours. And it ended up only costing 12 dollars for 4 hours! I think that's a pretty sweet deal. I may just start doing that once a week.....
So today I'm waiting for a call back from a wildlife guy I called last night
because some of the neighbor kids found a bird that was just a little bit older than a baby that had hurt it's foot. It's still sitting in a box outside on my back porch (don't worry, it's still alive). The dog keeps trying to figure out where that scrumptious smell is coming from
every time I take him outside. It looks a little bit better today, but what do I know?? I'm just really hoping this guy doesn't stick me with a thousand dollar bill or something, for this bird somebody found on the ground. I love animals as much as the next guy, don't get me wrong, but I can't afford to save every baby bird who falls out of its' nest!
Well, on to see what today brings in this adventure called MILITARY LIFE.........